What is McTimoney Chiropractic?

McTimoney Chiropractic is a conservative approach to health care which is non-surgical and drug free. Chiropractors may use a very wide range of techniques which includes corrective adjustments, together with other passive or active procedures to reduce pain and disability therefore aiming to restore normal function to the body.
Chiropractic is a profession which is regulated in the UK by the Chiropractors Act 1994. The General Chiropractic Council (GCC) is the regulatory body which ensures that anyone calling themselves a chiropractor abides by a strict Code of Practice (CoP) and Standard of Proficiency (SoP) (

An integrated and holistic approach.

Chiropractors consider all the physical, psychological and social factors of a patient, so a full presenting picture is obtained before offering a treatment plan.

McTimoney treatment at Chevington Clinic

At Chevington Clinic all six chiropractors use the McTimoney technique of chiropractic. This was developed by John McTimoney in Banbury, Oxfordshire in the 1950s and is now used by about a quarter of the chiropractors in the UK. It is characterised by its holistic approach, utilising the body’s own self-healing abilities. At each treatment the whole body is assessed and adjusted as necessary using precise, very fast adjustments that do not appear to have much force. As such it can be well tolerated by more fragile individuals as well as the elderly and young. McTimoney technique is also in the forefront of chiropractic treatment of animals due to its systematic light force approach.


  • Corrective Adjustments
  • Mobilisation
  • Joint distraction
  • Traction or passive/active range of motion)
  • Soft tissues techniques (such as massage)
  • Heat/cold therapy
  • Active procedures such as exercises and rehabilitation

What happens at the first treatment?

The chiropractor will initially take a detailed case history and perform a thorough examination, which considers all aspects of the presenting complaint and may include orthopaedic and neurological testing. If there are underlying conditions which require referral your chiropractor will liase with the relevant  health care professional. The chiropractor will discuss with you their findings  and suggest to you the best course for managing or resolving your presenting condition, this may include exercise or lifestyle changes alongside your McTimoney treatment.
Once you agree they may ask you to undress to your underwear and put on a modesty gown. They will then assess the joints throughout your body and make swift, precise gentle adjustments wherever they are required. Once you have dressed they will discuss aftercare advice and answer any questions you may have.
Chiropractors will also offer advice on lifestyle, exercise, diet and self-help and will provide support for pain management. 

Providing support for pain management.

How many treatments will I need?

This depends on how long you have had the presenting condition, how bad it is, what you do for yourself between treatments and how you respond to treatment. The chiropractor will discuss their working diagnosis and treatment plan with you 
Typically an average initial course of treatments may be between three and six, initially at weekly intervals and as you progress your appointments may become more spread out.
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